joi, 24 mai 2012

Pasional (Full of Passion)

Pasional (Full of Passion), acrilice pe panza (acrylic on canvas), 2012

Peisaj provensal (Provence Landscape)

Peisaj provensal (Provence Landscape), acrilice pe panza (acrylic on canvas), 2012

Paharul cu oranjada (The Glass with Orange Juice)

Paharul cu oranjada (The Glass with Orange Juice), acrilice pe panza (acrylic on canvas), 2012

Ramasitele serii (The Remains of the Evening)

Ramasitele serii (The Remains of the Evening), acrilice pe panza (acrylic on canvas), 2012

Mireasa (The Bride)

Mireasa (The Bride), acrilice pe panza (acrylic on canvas), 2012

Sentiment (Feeling)

Sentiment (Feeling), acrilice pe panza (acrylic on canvas), 2012

Nostalgie (Nostalgia)

Nostalgie (Nostalgia), acrilice pe panza (acrylic on canvas), 2012